use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use expression_format::ex_format;
use nethsm::KeyId;
use nethsm::{
UserRole::{Administrator, Operator},
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
use super::BIN_NAME;
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
about = "Operate on the keys of a device",
long_about = ex_format!("Operate on the keys of a device
Supports all relevant cryptographic operations (decrypt, encrypt, sign), certificate handling, importing, generation and ACL management.
Keys may exist in specific scopes: system-wide or in namespaces (see \"{BIN_NAME} namespace\").
While system-wide users only have access to system-wide keys, namespaced users only have access to keys in their own namespace."
pub enum KeyCommand {
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
about = "Operate on certificates for a key",
long_about = "Operate on certificates for a key
Supports certificate retrieval, removal and import.
System-wide users only have access to system-wide keys.
Namespaced users only have access to keys in their own namespace.
pub enum KeyCertCommand {
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Delete the certificate for a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Delete the certificate for a key
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only delete certificates for system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only delete certificates for keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyCertDeleteCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key, for which to delete the certificate"
pub key_id: KeyId,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Get the certificate for a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Get the certificate for a key
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only get certificates for system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only get certificates for keys in their own namespace.
Unless a specific output file is specified, the certificate is written to stdout.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role (with access to the key - see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\")."
pub struct KeyCertGetCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key, for which to retrieve the certificate"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The optional path to a specific output file",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Import the certificate for a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Import the certificate for a key
The NetHSM backend can store binary data up to 1 MiB in size as certificate.
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only import certificates for system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only import certificates for keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyCertImportCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key, for which to import the certificate"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "The path to the certificate file to import"
pub cert_file: PathBuf,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Get a Certificate Signing Request for a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Get a Certificate Signing Request for a key
The PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is returned in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format.
Unless a specific output file is chosen, the certificate is returned on stdout.
At a minimum, the \"Common Name\" (CN) attribute for the CSR has to be provided.
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only create CSRs for system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only create CSRs for keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role (with access to the key - see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\")."
pub struct KeyCsrCommand {
#[arg(env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID", help = "The key ID for which to create a CSR")]
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "The mandatory \"Common Name\" (CN) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The mandatory \"Common Name\" (CN) attribute for the CSR
A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that should be secured using the CSR."
pub common_name: String,
help = "The optional \"Organization Name\" (O) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"Organization Name\" (O) attribute for the CSR
Usually the legal name of a company or entity and should include any suffixes such as Ltd., Inc., or Corp."
pub org_name: Option<String>,
help = "The optional \"Organizational Unit\" (OU) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"Organizational Unit\" (OU) attribute for the CSR
Internal organization department/division name."
pub org_unit: Option<String>,
help = "The optional \"Locality\" (L) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"Locality\" (L) attribute for the CSR
Name of town, city, village, etc."
pub locality: Option<String>,
help = "The optional \"State\" (ST) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"State\" (ST) attribute for the CSR
Province, region, county or state."
pub state: Option<String>,
help = "The optional \"Country\" (C) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"Country\" (C) attribute for the CSR
The two-letter ISO code for the country where the \"Organization\" (O) is located."
pub country: Option<String>,
help = "The optional \"Email Address\" (EMAIL) attribute for the CSR",
long_help = "The optional \"Email Address\" (EMAIL) attribute for the CSR
The organization contact, usually of the certificate administrator or IT department."
pub email: Option<String>,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The optional path to a specific output file",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Decrypt a message using a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Decrypt a message using a key
The chosen decryption mode must match the targeted key and the initialization vector (if applicable) must be identical to the one used for encryption.
System-wide users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only decrypt messages using system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only decrypt messages using keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Operator}\" role that has access (see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\") to the targeted key."
pub struct KeyDecryptCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key to use for decryption"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "The path to an encrypted message to decrypt"
pub message: PathBuf,
help = "The decryption mode to use",
long_help = format!("The decryption mode to use
One of {:?} (defaults to \"{:?}\").", DecryptMode::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>(), DecryptMode::default())
pub decrypt_mode: Option<DecryptMode>,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The path to a file containing the initialization vector (IV) for symmetric decryption",
long_help = ex_format!("The path to a file containing the initialization vector (IV) for symmetric decryption
The IV can only be used when choosing symmetric decryption (i.e. with \"{DecryptMode::AesCbc}\")"),
pub initialization_vector: Option<PathBuf>,
help = "The path to a specific file to write the decrypted message to",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Encrypt a message using a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Encrypt a message using a key
Only symmetric encryption is supported.
System-wide users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only encrypt messages using system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only encrypt messages using keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Operator}\" role that has access (see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\") to the targeted key."
pub struct KeyEncryptCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key to use for encryption"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "The path to a message to encrypt"
pub message: PathBuf,
help = "The encryption mode to use",
long_help = format!("The encryption mode to use
One of {:?} (defaults to \"{:?}\").", EncryptMode::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>(), EncryptMode::default())
pub encrypt_mode: Option<EncryptMode>,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The path to a file containing the initialization vector (IV) for symmetric encryption",
long_help = ex_format!("The path to a file containing the initialization vector (IV) for symmetric encryption
The IV can only be used when choosing symmetric encryption (i.e. with \"{EncryptMode::AesCbc}\")"),
pub initialization_vector: Option<PathBuf>,
help = "The path to a specific file to write the encrypted message to",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Generate a new key",
long_about = ex_format!("Generate a new key
The provided key type and list of key mechanisms have to match:
* \"{KeyType::Rsa}\" requires one of {:?KeyMechanism::rsa_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::Curve25519}\" requires one of {:?KeyMechanism::curve25519_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::EcP224}\", \"{KeyType::EcP256}\", \"{KeyType::EcP384}\" and \"{KeyType::EcP521}\" require one of {:?KeyMechanism::elliptic_curve_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::Generic}\" requires at least one of {:?KeyMechanism::generic_mechanisms()}
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role generate system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role generate keys in their own namespace.
Note: Although assigning tags to the new key is optional, it is highly recommended as not doing so means that all users in the same scope have access to it!
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyGenerateCommand {
help = "The optional type of key to generate",
long_help = format!("The optional type of key to generate
The key type must match the chosen key mechanisms!
One of {:?} (defaults to \"{:?}\").",
KeyType::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>(),
pub key_type: Option<KeyType>,
help = "The mechanisms provided by the generated key",
long_help = format!("The mechanisms provided by the generated key
The key mechanisms must match the chosen key type!
At least one of {:?} (defaults to \"{:?}\").",
KeyMechanism::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>(),
pub key_mechanisms: Vec<KeyMechanism>,
help = "The optional bit length of the generated key",
long_help = "The optional bit length of the generated key
If none is provided, a default is chosen.",
short = 'L'
pub length: Option<u32>,
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "An optional unique ID that is assigned to the generated key",
long_help = "An optional unique ID that is assigned to the generated key
If none is provided a generic one is generated for the key.",
pub key_id: Option<KeyId>,
help = "An optional list of tags that are assigned to the generated key",
long_help = "An optional list of tags that are assigned to the generated key
Tags on keys are used to grant access to those keys for users that carry the same tags.",
pub tags: Option<Vec<String>>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Get information on a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Get information on a key
Displays information on supported key mechanisms, the key type, which restrictions apply (i.e. which tags are set for the key), information on the public key part and how many operations have been done with the key.
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only retrieve information on system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only retrieve information on keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role (with access to the key - see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\")."
pub struct KeyGetCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key, for which to show information for"
pub key_id: KeyId,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Import a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Import a key
The provided key data must be provided as PKCS#8 private key in ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) encoded or Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.
The key data must match the provided key type.
The provided key type and list of key mechanisms have to match:
* \"{KeyType::Rsa}\" requires one of {:?KeyMechanism::rsa_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::Curve25519}\" requires one of {:?KeyMechanism::curve25519_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::EcP224}\", \"{KeyType::EcP256}\", \"{KeyType::EcP384}\" and \"{KeyType::EcP521}\" require one of {:?KeyMechanism::elliptic_curve_mechanisms()}
* \"{KeyType::Generic}\" requires at least one of {:?KeyMechanism::generic_mechanisms()}
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role import system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role import keys in their own namespace.
Note: Although assigning tags to the new key is optional, it is highly recommended as not doing so means that all users in the same scope have access to it!
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyImportCommand {
help = "The type of key to import",
long_help = format!("The type of key to import
The key type must match the provided key data and chosen key mechanisms!
One of {:?}.",
KeyMechanism::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>()),
pub key_type: KeyType,
help = "The format of key to import",
default_value_t = KeyFormat::default(),
long_help = format!("The format of key to import
Keys can be imported in Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.
One of {:?}.",
KeyFormat::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>()),
pub format: KeyFormat,
help = "The path to a PKCS#8 private key in ASN.1 DER-encoded format",
long_help = "The path to a PKCS#8 private key in ASN.1 DER-encoded format
The private key data must match the chosen key type."
pub key_data: PathBuf,
help = "The mechanisms provided by the imported key",
long_help = format!("The mechanisms provided by the imported key
The key mechanisms must match the chosen key type!
At least one of {:?}.",
KeyMechanism::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>()),
pub key_mechanisms: Vec<KeyMechanism>,
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "An optional unique ID that is assigned to the imported key",
long_help = "An optional unique ID that is assigned to the imported key
If none is provided a generic one is generated for the key.",
pub key_id: Option<KeyId>,
help = "An optional list of tags that are assigned to the imported key",
long_help = "An optional list of tags that are assigned to the imported key
Tags on keys are used to grant access to those keys for users that carry the same tags.",
pub tags: Option<Vec<String>>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "List all key IDs",
long_about = ex_format!("List all key IDs
Optionally filter the list of key IDs by a keyword.
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only list system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only list keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role (with access to the key - see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\")."
pub struct KeyListCommand {
help = "A filter to apply to the list of key IDs"
pub filter: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Get the public key for a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Get the public key for a key
The public key is returned as X.509 public key certificate in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format.
If no specific output file is chosen, the public key is emitted on stdout.
Note: Keys of type \"{KeyType::Generic}\" do not have a public key and this command fails for them!
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only get the public key for system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role can only get the public key for keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" or \"{Operator}\" role (with access to the key - see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\")."
pub struct KeyPublicKeyCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key to get the public key for"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The optional path to a specific output file",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Remove a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Remove a key
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only remove system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only remove keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyRemoveCommand {
#[arg(env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID", help = "The ID of the key that is removed")]
pub key_id: KeyId,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Sign a message using a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Sign a message using a key
The targeted key must be equipped with relevant key mechanisms for signing.
The chosen signature type must match the target key type and key mechanisms.
If no specific output file is chosen, the signature is written to stdout.
System-wide users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only create signatures for messages using system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Operator}\" role can only create signatures for messages using keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Operator}\" role with access (see \"{BIN_NAME} key tag\" and \"{BIN_NAME} user tag\") to the target key."
pub struct KeySignCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key to use for signing the message"
pub key_id: KeyId,
help = "The signature type to use for the signature",
long_help = format!("The signature type to use for the signature
One of {:?}", SignatureType::iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<&'static str>>()),
pub signature_type: SignatureType,
help = "The path to a message for which to create a signature"
pub message: PathBuf,
help = "Write to output file even if it exists already",
pub force: bool,
help = "The optional path to a specific file that the signature is written to",
pub output: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Tag a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Tag a key
Tags are used to grant access to keys for users in the \"{Operator}\" role.
If a user and a key are tagged with the same tag, the user gains access to that key.
As keys exist either system-wide or in a namespace, users in the \"{Operator}\" role must be in the same scope as the key for this have effect!
Note: Tags on keys must be created before creating tags on users.
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only tag system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only tag keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyTagCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key for which a tag is added"
pub key_id: KeyId,
#[arg(env = "NETHSM_KEY_TAG", help = "The tag to add to the key")]
pub tag: String,
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
about = "Untag a key",
long_about = ex_format!("Untag a key
Removes access to any key for users in the \"{Operator}\" role that have the same tag.
As keys exist either system-wide or in a namespace, users in the \"{Operator}\" role must be in the same scope as the key for this to have effect!
System-wide users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only untag system-wide keys.
Namespaced users in the \"{Administrator}\" role can only untag keys in their own namespace.
Requires authentication of a user in the \"{Administrator}\" role."
pub struct KeyUntagCommand {
env = "NETHSM_KEY_ID",
help = "The ID of the key for which a tag is removed"
pub key_id: KeyId,
#[arg(env = "NETHSM_KEY_TAG", help = "The tag to remove from the key")]
pub tag: String,